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Selected Refereed Publications at Conferences and in Journals:
Distributed Dataflow Across the Edge-Cloud Continuum by Tyler Ekaireb, Lukas Brand, Nagarjun Avaraddy, Markus Mock, Chandra Krintz and Rich Wolski, IEEE Cloud, 2024, Jul 7, 2024 - Jul 13, 2024, Shenzhen, China
Depot: Dependency-Eager Platform of Transformations by Kerem Celik, Samridhi Maheshwari, Shereen ElSayad, Markus Mock, Chandra Krintz & Rich Wolski, IEEE Cloudcom 2023, 4-6 December 2023, Naples, Italy
Machine Learning for Predicting Photovoltaic Power Generation: an Application on a University Campus by Fabio López, Markus Mock and Abraham Dávila, Latin-American Informatics Conference (CLEI), 16 - 20 October, 2023, La Paz, Bolivia.
GreenCoin: A Renewable Energy-Aware Cryptocurrency by Nazmus Saquib, Shivaansh Kapoor, Chandra Krintz, Rich Wolski, and Markus Mock, 11th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E 2023), September 25-28, 2023, Boston, USA
Laminar: Dataflow Programming for Serverless IoT Applications by Tyler Ekaireb, Lukas Brand, Nagarjun Avaraddy, Markus Mock, Chandra Krintz and Rich Wolski, Workshop on Serverless Systems, Applications and Methodologies (SESAME 2023), 8 May 2023, Rome. Italy. ACM Digital Library Version
Upilio: Leveraging the Serverless Paradigm for Building a Versatile IoT Application by Markus Mock and Stefan Arlt, 9th European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, 22 - 24 March 2022, Wittenberg, Germany, held virtually
SFL: A Compiler for Generating Stateful AWS Lambda Serverless Applications, by Lukas Brand and Markus Mock, Seventh International Workshop on Serverless Computing (WoSC7) 2021 (WoSC ’21), December 6, 2021, Virtual Event, Canada, ACM Digital Library Version
An Evaluation of WebAssembly in Non-Web Environments by Benedikt Spies and Markus Mock, (Preprint) 2021 CLEI Symposium, October 25-29, 2021, Costa Rica (online), IEEEExplore Version
Energiedatenmanagement in einer Serverless Cloud Computing Umgebung – Zwischenbericht eines innovativen Projekts, by Markus Mock, Florian Huber und Stefan-Alexander Arlt, in gwf Gas + Energie, Juni 2021, Vulkan Verlag
Toci: Computational Intelligence in an Energy Management System by Florian Huber and Markus Mock, 2020 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, December 1-4, 2020, Canberra, Australia (run virtually),
Integration von Ultraschall-Wasserfluss-Sensoren in ein Energiemanagementsystem: Siemens SPS versus Raspberry PI by Kreitmair, Konrad; Huber, Florian; Mock, Markus; Arlt, Stefan-Alexander, 2. Symposium Elektronik und Systemintegration ESI , April 1, 2020, Landshut, Germany.
Selena: a Serverless Energy Management System by Florian Huber, Nikolai Körber and Markus Mock, ACM Fifth International Workshop on Serverless Computing, December 9 - 13, 2019, UC Davis, CA, USA
Improving the Accuracy of Outdoor Temperature Prediction by IoT Devices by Nevena Golubovic, Rich Wolski, Chandra Krintz and Markus Mock, IEEE International Congress on Internet of Things, July 8-13, 2019, Milan, Italy Best paper award at ICIOT 2019
Mandrake: Implementing Durability for Edge Clouds by Kyle Carson, John Thomason, Markus Mock, Rich Wolski and Chandra Krintz, IEEE International Conference on Edge Computing, Milan, July 8-13, 2019 Milan, Italy
Seneca: Fast and Low Cost Hyperparameter Search for Machine Learning Models by Michael Zhang, Chandra Krintz, Markus Mock and Rich Wolski, IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing, July 8-13, 2019, Milan, Italy
Data repair for Distributed, Event-based IoT Applications by Lin, Bakir, Krintz, Wolski & Mock,Proceedings of the 13th ACM International Conference on Distributed and Event-Based Systems, Darmstadt, Germany, 24-28th, June 2019.
Proximity-Based Services by Markus Mock Christian Seel, in T. Barton et al. (Hrsg.), Mobile Anwendungen in Unternehmen, Angewandte Wirtschaftsinformatik, Springer Verlag 2016 (in German) DOI 10.1007/978-3-658-12010-8_3
An Empirical Study of Data Speculation Use on the Intel Itanium 2 Processor, Markus Mock, Ricardo Villamarín, and José Baiocchi, In 9th Annual Workshop on Interaction Between Compilers and Computer Architecture (INTERACT-9), San Francisco, February 13, 2005
Why Programmer-specified Aliasing is a Bad Idea by Markus Mock. In 30th Annual Latin American Conference on Computer Science (30th Conferencia Latinoamericana de Informática - CLEI 2004) Arequipa, Peru, September 27 - October 1, 2004
Dynamic Analysis from the Bottom Up by Markus Mock In ICSE 2003 Workshop on Dynamic Analysis (WODA 2003) Portland, Oregon May 9, 2003
Improving Program Slicing with Dynamic Points-To Data by Markus Mock, Darren C. Atkinson, Craig Chambers, and Susan J. Eggers. In 10th ACM SIGOFT Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering '02
Dynamic Points-To Sets: A Comparison with Static Analyses and Potential Applications in Program Understanding and Optimization by Markus Mock, Manuvir Das, Craig Chambers and Susan J. Eggers. In ACM SIGPLAN - SIGSOFT workshop on on Program analysis for software tools and engineering Snowbird, Utah, June 18 - 19, 2001.
Calpa: A Tool for Automating Selective Dynamic Compilation by Markus Mock, Craig Chambers, Susan J. Eggers. In 33rd Annual International Symposium on Microarchitecture, December 2000, (Micro-33).
The Benefits and Costs of DyC's Run-Time Optimizations by Brian Grant, Markus Mock, Matthai Philipose, Craig Chambers and Susan J. Eggers. In ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, Vol. 22, No. 5 September 2000.
DyC: An Expressive Annotation-Directed Dynamic Compiler for C by Brian Grant, Markus Mock, Matthai Philipose, Craig Chambers, Susan J. Eggers. In Journal of Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 248, Issue 1-2, October 2000, pages 147-199.
Calpa: A Tool for Automating Dynamic Compilation by Markus Mock, Mark Berryman, Craig Chambers and Susan J. Eggers. In Proceedings of Second Workshop on Feedback-Directed Optimization, pages 100-109 held in conjunction with Micro-32, Haifa, Israel, November 15, 1999.
An Evaluation of Staged Run-time Optimizations in DyC by Brian Grant, Matthai Philipose, Markus Mock, Craig Chambers, Susan J. Eggers. In Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, May 1999, PLDI '99.
This paper has been selected as one of the 50 most influential papers published in PLDI from 1979 through 1999Annotation-Directed Run-Time Specialization in C by Brian Grant, Markus Mock, Matthai Philipose, Craig Chambers and Susan Eggers.c In the proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based Program Manipulation (PEPM), June 1997. Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Event Dispatching in Extensible Systems by Craig Chambers, Susan J. Eggers, Joel Auslander, Matthai Phillipose, Markus Mock and Przemyslaw Pardyak. IN First Annual Workshop on Compiler Support for System Software February 23-24, 1996. Tucson, Arizona.
Data and Process Alignment in Modula-2* by Michael Philippsen, and Markus U. Mock. In Automatic Parallelization -- New Approaches to Code Generation, Data Distribution, and Performance Prediction, pp 171-191, Editor: Christoph W. Kessler Germany, March 1-3, 1994.
DC++: Distributed Object-Oriented System Support on Top of OSF DCE by Alexander B. Schill, and Markus U. Mock.In Distributed Systems Engineering vol.1, no.2. pp. 112-25 UK, 1993
Interviews, Invited Talks & Miscellaneous Publications
Upilio - Reallabor als Energiedatenmanagement by Arlt, Stefan-Alexander and Mock, Markus;, 3. Symposium Elektronik und Systemintegration ESI , April 6, 2022 (online), Landshut, Germany.
Upilio: A real energy data laboratory for multiple regions and countries, presented at Sixth International University City Forum - the annual multidisciplinary intellectual platform, Tomsk, Russia, (held online), December 1, 2021
Upilio: Ein Energiedaten Reallabor für den DACHS Raum, Vortrag am 12. DACHS Symposium an der TH Deggendorf 13.09.2021
Tornado: Kostengünstiges Energiedatenmanagement in einer Serverless Cloud-Computing Umgebung, Vortrag im Rahmen der Landshuter Energiegespräche, 12. April 2021
"Je mehr wir über unsere Energieerzeugungs- und Verbrauchssysteme wissen, desto höheren Mehrwert können wir daraus schöpfen“, Interview mit der Zeitschrift gwf Gas & Energie, 2.3.2019
IoT and Data Analytics: critical technologies for sustainable agriculture and energy use Keynote Talk at AdHoc Now 2019, Luxembourg
Alles geht ans Netz, Interview mit 9.9.2019